For me, taking a spa vacation was the dream that I had managed to spend years talking myself out of. My usual excuse for not going was money.

Every time I thought about the luxuriously blissful experience I was craving, that little voice in my head would start expounding all the reasons why it was financially irresponsible and how I could best and more practically spend my money.

Practical-schmatical. How boring!!

Weeks turning into months turned into years until one day as in many days since, I managed to find a way to fulfill this desire because I finally got so very tired of my same ol’ diatribe. So when I finally made the decision to get out of my own way and muffled that discouraging, redundant disempowering voice (which I discovered is not only a voice of insecurity but also of lack) results came tumbling down from all around me.

First, I started researching potential destinations for my dream spa getaway and then my Pilates teacher Jane mentioned a spa that she adored and had been to several times.

My next line of attack was to check it out and tada, my search was over.

Miraval Spa in Tucson was the name of this spa and after a short “look-see” I booked it that same afternoon. (Remember when famous mountain climber Jimmy Chin said he made all of his next moves by declaring them an absolute “yes” and figuring out the detail later.  This way he never suffered losing valuable time.

I got very clear as to what the financial expenditure was to be and I started to put money away towards it. This was a practice I had heard that others did to save but I was a bit shy as to how disciplined I could be.  

My creation was that I got a jar and labeled it my I CAN LIVE WITHOUT IT savings.

Whenever I was out and about visiting my favorite shops and had the urge to buy that “item of the moment”, I practiced asking myself, “Do I really, really need this?” and answering honestly and if the answer was no I would note its price and then when I got home I put an equivalent amount into this lovely little magical jar.

It’s amazing how many clothes and other wants but don’t needs we can actually live without because after only 4 months I had saved more than half of what I needed for my dream trip.

Not only was this an interesting lesson about my habits of material consumption, but it also taught me that once I got untangled from the ropes of doubt that had me corralled, the Universe got the message that I wanted movement in this heartfelt direction and happily mirrored back my desire.

Once on this new path of comprehending that manifesting what I truly wanted was an ability I had always had (Like Dorothy and her ruby slippers and that she always had the ability to go home to Kansas) by being genuine and getting out of my way the rest of the money for the trip effortlessly appeared.”

*Excerpt from my book, Over40FitandFab.com* See in the P.S. how you can download a copy!

Just today I was sharing with friends about my spa experience, and it was such a joy reliving that time on many levels.  The stories I shared about being there and what a special feeling it gave me; what I learned about wants vs needs; an inventive way of saving for a rainy day and following through with my desire are of utmost importance to pay heed.

Question: What are you sitting on right now that have you foregoing your dream(s) because of old noise of lack and duty to practicality?  Let me know below and let’s share our experiences and our wins with each other!

With many blessings,


Get Access to download my e-book by visiting: www.coachingtothecore.com/ebook

Jude Luttrell coaches with full-on wisdom and enthusiasm. She is a weekly blogger whose articles can be found on her website, www.coachingtothecore.com. Videos about empowerment, awareness, creating a better life and tips on clothing and makeup... you name it can be found on her daily TikTok and IG page. Jude is a writer and a published author, an ordained minister, a graduate of the University of Santa Monica with certifications in Consciousness, Heath and Healing, Spiritual Psychology, and Soul Centered Life Coaching, a 50-year meditator in TM and Mindfulness and a Breast Cancer Survivor.

To find out more and join in with others striving to be their BEST and Imagine Something Better, click here to sign up for weekly blogs, ask questions and be in the know of future programs on the horizon. 

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